Frequently Asked Questions

Billing & Account

NOTE- you can only access these changes on a browser (not within our mobile apps)

How can I change my subscription plan?

•  ACCOUNT Tab --> BILLING Tab --> Scroll down to “Active Plan” and press CHANGE PLAN button --> Select the new plan

    •  Watch video tutorial here

How do I change the credit card used for my subscription?

    •  ACCOUNT Tab --> BILLING Tab --> Scroll down to “Payment Method” and press USE ANOTHER CARD button

    •  Check out video here

How can I cancel my subscription?

    •  ACCOUNT Tab --> BILLING Tab --> Scroll down to “Active Plan” and press CANCEL MEMBERSHIP button

    •  Watch video tutorial here

How can I delete my account?

    •  ACCOUNT Tab --> SECURITY Tab --> Scroll down to “Request deletion of my account” - -> Click box and press DELETE ACCOUNT button

    •  Watch video tutorial here

What is the difference between cancelling my subscription and deleting my account?

    •  Cancelling your subscription means that you no longer will be billed for the streaming service and will no longer have access to the paid streaming videos. You still can login to the backend but will not be billed unless you select a new subscription to sign up for later.

    •  Deleting your account is removing all your information from the Foundation Training system. If you want to return to a streaming membership in the future, you will have to create a whole new account.

How do I change my email or username?

    •  ACCOUNT Tab --> PROFILE Tab --> Edit email/name -- > Press SAVE CHANGES button

    •  Watch video tutorial here


 How often is new content added?

    •  New videos are uploaded each month into the categories

    •  New programs are released into the streaming site several times a year

What if I can’t find an older video that I used to watch?

    •  Go to the search bar in the upper right and type in the title of the video or program.

How do you save a video for later?

    •  When on the screen of the video of your liking, press the ADD TO FAVORITES button under the screen.  

How do you create and find a playlist?

    •  (Only available on IOS/ Google Play app) When on the screen of the video, press the three dots button on the lower right side under the screen. It will give you the option there. You can find your playlists by going to your account icon on the lower right of the main page. 

Why isn’t Baseline or Core Elements on the main page anymore?

    •  We listened to the feedback from our subscribers to created the On Ramp program and reorganized the streaming platform to better meet your needs. This means a more streamlined and simple approach to learning the complexities of FT. 

    •  The Baseline Program was the updated version of the Core Elements, providing the most recent evolution of Foundation Training poses and cues. With printable guided tutorials and structured practice it remains a great way to learn the primary principles and all the current poses of Foundation Training. But the density of the program itself was a barrier to some folks so we built Build Your Foundation and curated the categories to flow smoothly while still providing the same benefit of pain relief. You can still download the Baseline Packet HERE once you've signed in.

    • We did not remove anything so you can still access and find the Core Elements or Baseline by typing it in the search bar.

Can I do Foundation Training if I am currently in pain or have movement limitations?

    •  We always recommend speaking to your doctor before starting an exercise program. Foundation Training was created to get you out of pain and moving more freely. You can start exactly where you’re at. Our Protocols for Pain category covers several of the more common conditions in the various body areas. The exercises should never cause pain or make it worse. Some poses might need to be modified, but correctly applying the primary principles of decompression, hinging, and integration can be done at any stage.

I wish Foundation Training had program for my sport – can you guys do that?

    •  We are always making new programs, workouts, and collaboration and strive to meet the needs of our community. Please let us know what you want to see here in the future and we will work on getting it to you soon. You can email us here.

Where can I go if I need more support than the videos can provide?

    •  We have certified Foundation Training instructors all over the world to provide you with 1:1 or group classes for a more personalized approach to learning and practicing. You can find an instructor near you here.

Do you have a different question? No problem – just ask us HERE and we’ll get back to you asap.